Nsovo Shimange

About Me

Hello, I’m Nsovo

I spent a decade working my way up the corporate ladder at a $128B market cap company, whilst overseeing 150+ people, in 3 regions.

Then, in 2017, I burned out. 

So, I quit my high-paying jobs and decided to completely redesign my life with more intention. We packed my bags, bought a one-way ticket to Cape Town and flew across the country to start my new life. 

I believe that everyone’s purpose in life is to self-actualise, in other words to be all that they can be. That is why I run a one-person business that teaches people who to put all the pieces in place that will result in them leading a fulfilled and meaningful life. 

When I’m not working on my business, I’m an avid trail runner, a home chef and I’m fascinated by different tribes, cultures and countries so about I travel to a new destination every 3 months. 

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All with the same single goal in mind of selling value over time.


    My passion is to help you live life on your own terms by showing how to build a business that will support your lifestyle and open opportunities for all your dreams to come true. Catch up with me in the socialshpere.