The Blog: essential tips and strategies for doing meaningful work, growing an audience and getting paid what you’re worth.

The State of the Average Man in 2025

In 2025, the average man finds himself stuck in a challenging reality. The world around him is evolving at an unprecedented pace, but he feels left behind, overwhelmed, and unsure of how to move forward. His struggles are not isolated; they are the symptoms of a...

How to Make Better Choices in Life

Every day we make choices that have the potential to change the course of our lives, whether it's choosing what subjects to study in school or whether to start a YouTube channel or simply just asking that girl out on a date. The choices we make every day have the...

What it Takes to Achieve Real Success in Life

On the 25th of November 2022, I crossed the finish line of the UTCT 23km in 4 hours and 53 minutes just missing out on the time I’d set for myself of 4 hours and 44 minutes by 9 minutes. The honest truth is that, though I was delighted to cross the line, I was not...
The Importance of the Rule of One

The Importance of the Rule of One

There’s a simple technique to help you focus your marketing and sales so you can increase your revenue. This technique is called The Rule of One. Let's dig in and I’ll show you how you can use this to explode your business. What The Rule of One stands for is this: One...

The PARTS Model: A Roadmap for Success in the Creator Economy

The PARTS Model: A Roadmap for Success in the Creator Economy

We’re truly living through something phenomenal right now, the world is changing. We’re seeing people turning their passions into careers that earn more than enough money to support themselves and their families. The creator economy has exploded in recent years and it’s not letting up anytime soon.

From Fear to Freedom: How to Stop Worrying About Money and Start Living

From Fear to Freedom: How to Stop Worrying About Money and Start Living

Money is a massive source of stress and anxiety for many people. Whether it’s worrying about making ends meet, paying rent, or feeling uncertain about the future, financial anxiety can take a toll on our mental and emotional wellbeing. But it doesn’t have to be this way. By taking control of our finances and shifting our mindset about money, we can overcome financial anxiety and start living a life of financial freedom.

Join a Community of 1,000+ Creators

All with the same single goal in mind of selling value over time.

    My passion is to help you live life on your own terms by showing how to build a business that will support your lifestyle and open opportunities for all your dreams to come true. Catch up with me in the socialshpere.