Happiness is the Journey

by | Dec 27, 2023 | Uncategorized

For years, I was caught in the trap of the ‘I’ll be happy when…’ mindset. Always believing that happiness was something to be achieved in the future – when I got that promotion, when I traveled to my dream destination, or when I finally reached some arbitrary milestone. But with each goal met, the anticipated happiness seemed to always slip through my fingers.

This article is a reflection of that journey – an introspective exploration of the subtle art of finding joy in the present. A gentle reminder for those who find themselves postponing life’s simple pleasures in pursuit of grand achievements.

‘I’ll Be Happy When…’

You’ve likely heard or uttered these words. They are a common refrain that echoes through the halls of our ambitions and dreams.

“I’ll be happy when I get that job.”

“I’ll be happy when I’m in a relationship.”

“I’ll be happy when I can afford that new car.”

The primary pitfall of these words is the perpetual postponement of happiness. They create a future-focused mindset where happiness is always just beyond reach, contingent on the next achievement or acquisition. This way of thinking turns happiness into a moving target, one that continuously shifts as soon as we approach what we thought was the finish line.

This future-focused chase blinds us to the joys and opportunities present in our current circumstances. It’s like being on a scenic journey but only focusing on the destination; we miss the beauty of the landscape, the quaint towns, the spontaneous adventures, and even the companionship of fellow travelers.

In our pursuit of happiness, we must be wary of falling into the trap of constantly deferring joy.

Experiences and Realisations

My journey towards understanding happiness as a journey is paved with personal experiences and realisations. I remember a time in my life when I was utterly consumed by the pursuit of professional success. I had convinced myself that happiness would come with the next promotion, the next big project, the next accolade. Yet, with each milestone reached, the anticipated joy was fleeting, quickly replaced by the hunger for the next achievement.

This epiphany led me to reflect on other moments where I had experienced genuine happiness. Surprisingly, these were not the moments of grand achievement, but rather the small, seemingly insignificant ones: a shared laugh with a friend, the serene silence of a morning walk, the satisfaction of helping a stranger. These experiences were not goals I had worked toward; they were moments I had lived, fully and presently.

The realisation that happiness is a journey is liberating. It’s allowed me to appreciate life’s simple pleasures, to find joy in the process of living, and to be more resilient in the face of challenges. It’s taught me that while goals and aspirations are important, they should not come at the cost of missing the beauty of now.

Practical Tips for Embracing the Journey

Recognising that happiness is a journey and not just a destination is one thing, but integrating this understanding into daily life is another. Through my own experiences and learning, I’ve gathered some practical tips that can help in embracing the beauty of life’s journey:

  • Mindfulness Practice: Start your day with a mindfulness practice like meditation or deep breathing. This helps center your thoughts and brings your focus to the present moment. Mindfulness trains you to appreciate the ‘now’, reducing the constant urge to look ahead for happiness.

  • Gratitude Journaling: Maintain a gratitude journal. Every night, jot down three things you were grateful for that day. They can be as simple as a good cup of coffee or a smile from a stranger. This practice shifts your focus from what’s missing in your life to the abundance that is already present.

  • Set Goals Mindfully: While planning for the future, set your goals mindfully. Acknowledge that while achieving these goals can bring satisfaction, they are not the sole source of your happiness. Balance ambition with appreciation for where you currently are.

  • Savour Small Moments: Learn to savour the small moments of joy. Whether it’s enjoying a meal, listening to a favorite song, or watching a sunset, immerse yourself fully in these experiences. These moments of joy accumulate to create a fulfilling life.

  • Cultivate Positive Relationships: Invest time and energy in nurturing positive relationships. Happiness often comes from our interactions and connections with others. Spend quality time with family and friends, and don’t hesitate to extend kindness to strangers.

  • Engage in Activities You Love: Make time for hobbies and activities you enjoy. Doing things just because they bring you joy is a powerful way to enhance your happiness in the present.

  • Embrace Learning and Growth: View challenges as opportunities for growth. Embracing a growth mindset helps you find value and happiness in the learning process, not just in the achievement of a goal.

  • Disconnect and Recharge: Regularly disconnect from digital devices and the hustle of everyday life. Take time to reconnect with yourself, be it through nature, meditation, or simply sitting in quiet reflection.

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your small victories and milestones. This creates a sense of accomplishment and joy in the journey towards larger goals.

  • Reflect and Reevaluate: Periodically reflect on your life’s path. Are you enjoying your journey? If not, don’t be afraid to reevaluate and make changes. Sometimes the path to happiness involves taking detours or even changing the destination.

Implementing these practices can gradually shift your perspective, allowing you to find more happiness in your everyday journey. Remember, happiness is not a finite resource to be chased, but an infinite one to be created and enjoyed in every step of life’s journey.


This journey towards embracing happiness as a present reality is ongoing. It’s a path of continuous growth, learning, and adaptation. But the beauty of this journey is that it allows us to see life not just as a series of destinations to be reached but as a rich tapestry of experiences to be lived and enjoyed.

I hope this blog post has offered you some insights and encouragement in your pursuit of happiness. Remember, happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of travelling. May your journey be filled with joy, discovery, and a deep appreciation for each moment.

I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s continue this conversation and support each other in our collective journey towards finding joy in the journey.

Nsovo Shimange

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