There’s a simple technique to help you focus your marketing and sales so you can increase your revenue. This technique is called The Rule of One.
Let’s dig in and I’ll show you how you can use this to explode your business.
What The Rule of One stands for is this:
- One offer
- One client
- One message
The Rule of One is extremely important because it helps you focus. You see a lot of people try to run before they walk when it comes to business, they have all these different ideas, they want to offer a hundred services and a million different products, they have multiple offers and courses, not realising that with every online course you create, you’re essentially creating a new business.
This is problematic because it leads to you not being able to grow or scale the business that you already have, so you just stay plateaued, stuck, and not able to really generate any revenue at all.
So in order to adhere to The Rule of One you have to start with yourself and your experiences because ultimately, what you’re doing with an online program and an online course is, you are creating a transformation, based on your own experience, your own skill set, your own expertise.
That all boils down to this proven process that we’ve used to help so many people create and scale these really impactful online courses. And what that is, the first step is really identifying your own heroes story.
So what have you been able to achieve for yourself in terms of a transformation?
A couple of clues and things you can think about are, what are things that people ask you for help for?
What do you have career or life experience around?
What’s a hurdle or a challenge or an obstacle that you’ve been able to overcome?
What is something that you would like to teach other people, so that nobody has to experience what you went through?
Or what do you want your legacy to be?
What do you want your impact to be in the world?
Those should all spark some light bulbs.
Oftentimes, your ideal client is a mirror for you. So this is the zero state. And this up here is the hero state. And your online course bridges the gap between these two states.
So you’re taking the client from zero all the way to the hero outcome that they’re desiring. And oftentimes, it’s something that you’ve been through yourself or you’ve been able to help other people achieve.
Within this hero story, you start to identify three key factors of a highly scalable online course business. And those are one ideal client, one specific place on their journey, that is really a tipping point where they have urgency to create a change, and to actually achieve the hero outcome. Because without any sort of urgency or need or desire to actually create that transformation, they’re not really interested in what you have to offer, and they don’t really care, and they’re not invested. That leads to bad clients, that leads to not getting a lot of results, or social proof for your online course. This is really important, and then, the one specific outcome.
So let me give you an example of one of our clients, and her hero story, and how it turned into identifying these three key factors that make up who her one ideal client is. One specific ideal client is ambitious, driven women. One specific place on their journey is they are obsessively thinking about food, and it is controlling their lives, and having a negative impact on everything that they do. And the one specific outcome is freedom from their obsessive thinking around food, so food, freedom, and complete and utter body acceptance, and body confidence.
Then that turned into the entire foundation of her offer, her client and her message, all one focus. So it makes it really easy to identify who she’s serving, what she wants to be known for, and create content around that is clear and magnetic to the right people.
The transformation statement looks like this: “I help ambitious, driven women go from obsessively thinking about food, and having to control every aspect of their lives, to being free from the obsession around food, and achieving total food freedom, so that they can be 100% confident in their bodies as they are, and have full self-acceptance.”
Now, this is why it is so important to have the rule of one when you’re creating a really impactful online course business. If we have multiple different clients at multiple different stages on their journey with multiple different outcomes, how are you possibly going to be able to find all of these people? And more importantly, how are you going to create content that’s actually magnetic to them?
So this is why it’s so important, in terms of your messaging. Because if there’s multiple different tipping points or stages on the journey, your messaging, all of a sudden, goes like this, and you can’t create a curriculum that actually leads to the hero outcome effectively and efficiently, because you’re taking people all over the place. And you’re trying to satisfy different clients at different places on their journey, seeking different outcomes. And that leads to a really bad online course that people don’t need. And here’s what’s really incredible about this, and what creates a true business. I talk about this often, but online courses have changed a lot. And there is definitely more focus on transformation, as opposed to tactics, because tactics can be found for free on the Internet.
To achieve a deep and meaningful transformation for your clients, you need to make sure that you are really specific in who you’re serving, so you can go deep with them. And ultimately, if the value of your outcome is so impactful for your ideal client, it allows you to price adequately.
So when we work with our clients, the lowest possible price point is $500, because the value of the outcome is so high. In this example that I just shared with you, the clients that are enrolling in that program are suffering in so many ways.
It is affecting their day to day lives. It’s affecting their work. It’s affecting their mental peace and clarity. It’s affecting their relationship.
The biggest indicator of how you price a program adequately to attract clients who are ready to do the work, and actually get results, and are super invested, because they’re at the right place on their journey to take this seriously, is knowing what it’s costing them to not have the solution that you provide. That allows you to charge a price point that allows you to really grow your business, make a really good income for yourself while also creating deep, deep transformation. Because it is true that people who pay, pay attention. And if you are invested into something, and think about your own habits, you’re more likely to actually do the work, to take it seriously, and to achieve this hero outcome, so everyone wins. You have happy clients who are actually seeing results, and your business has so much social proof to back up that you know what you’re doing, and you are the true authority and expert in that space. And not only that, this is such a simple way to start your business, because it allows you to know exactly what your north star is in your business. And you’re not trying to go in all these different directions.
So it becomes so simple, peaceful, profitable, and purposeful. When you have your messaging down.